Sir Vincent Meredith Fund

Unfortunately, the unexpected can happen. When it does, BMO provides grants to employees, retirees, and eligible dependents through the Sir Vincent Meredith Fund.
Here is a high-level overview of the Sir Vincent Meredith Fund.


  • All employees and retirees of BMO Financial Group U.S.
  • Eligible surviving spouses and dependents
Qualifying Need

The Fund provides grants (lump-sum payments) to applicants who demonstrate a genuine financial crisis that cannot be alleviated by liquidating personal assets. It is for individuals experiencing urgent financial hardship from an unusual circumstance or family-related crisis. Grants are taxable income to recipients.

Note: Paying off personal debt and expenses covered by government or company-provided benefit programs is not considered a qualifying need.

How it Works
  • Applications are reviewed by the Funds Application Review Committee and, if accepted, approved by the Board of Directors of the Pension Fund Society.
  • Once a decision is made, you will be notified in writing within eight weeks.
How to Apply Complete the Sir Vincent Meredith Fund Application Form with applicable documentation that supports your request for assistance. Then fax or mail your application as noted on the form.

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The Human
Resources Centre


Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT.