Sick Time
BMO supports your health and well-being with paid time off if you need to miss work because you or a family member are sick, injured, or have an appointment.
Full-time employees receive 80 hours of sick time per year. Part-time employees receive a prorated amount of sick time based on their standard hours scheduled per week. Note: BMO’s U.S. Sick Time Policy was amended effective January 1, 2024, to allow for carryover of unused sick time into the following calendar year (capped at 200 hours).
Your paid sick time can be used for:
- Illness
- Injury
- Doctor appointments
- Dentist appointments
- Unpaid waiting period for Short Term Disability (STD)
- Unpaid Family Medical Leave, Maternity Leave and Parental Leave
- Safe time
- When your dependent child’s place of care or school is closed by public health officials or due to a health-related concern
- Other reasons as defined in an applicable legislative mandate
New to BMO
In your year of hire, your sick time hours will be determined based on your start date. See the Sick Time Operating Procedure (accessible only from the BMO network) for more details.
Sick time & STD
If an illness or injury requires you to be off work for more than 10 days, apply for Short Term Disability (STD) to continue receiving your pay and benefits. If you want to be paid during the 10-day waiting period before STD benefits begin, you many use available sick time.
Important Forms/Docs
Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Sick Time Operating Procedure(accessible only from the BMO network)